Thursday, November 8, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Empiricism against God

 We empiricists insist on facts,not revelations,scroitures and infirmed intuition. Empiricism   is now part of rationalism. It plays a role in naturalism and skepticism.
  Revelations are the products of people's minds as are all relgious experiences, and to allege a divine source begs the question.
   We find no real empirical content in any scriptures. Men just made them all up.None have any authority and reliability. Those of the Abrahamic faiths contain much misanthropy. We have much better sources when to get inspiration!
 Theologicans can intuit all they want, and that's all they do in their arguments, but always managed to fail.
  This blog is to eviscerate theistic misuse if evdience.
  I invite serious inquirers to post here.